Updated: Jun 4, 2021

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #1. Last nights movie was The Princess Bride starring Peter Falk and the kid from The Wonder Years. I read in a few reviews that this was a parody of fantasy/fairy tale movies. I disagree. The fact that it’s funny (and it’s really fucking funny!) doesn’t take away from this is an awesome fantasy/fairy tale flick. The sets and locations are beautiful and the action and adventure is too well done for this to be a parody. (The quick sand scene got me good! I think I shrieked!). Every character was perfect. The love story of Westley and the SMOKIN hot Buttercup felt more authentic than any chick flick I’ve seen. The performance of Wallace Shawn is legendary for a reason. And Mandy Patinkin...”Hello, My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” Speaking of quotes! “I have some rope up here, but I do not think you would except my help, since I am only waiting around to kill you.”....” that does put a damper on our relationship.”. “ he didn’t fall? Inconceivable.”...” you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”. I could go on and on. I really loved this one. We are off to a bitchin start with 80s Flicks! 5 Madonnas for The Princess Bride👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️ . Tonight’s movie will be Weird Science. ♥️You

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #2. Last nights movie was Weird Science starring Anthony Michael Hall, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, Kelly LeBrock , and Iron Man. So I have a 15 year old son and my family lives in Helicopter Parent U.S.A. and there is no way our kids would be allowed to experience anything like what happens in this movie. And there is no way this movie could be made today. (Much like a lot of movies from the 1900’s). This movie takes place in an era that would be unrecognizable to my kids, but when I was growing up in the 80s, this movie definitely touched on many of the details that my friends and I lived and fantasized about. This was about a couple of unpopular teenage boys that uses a Max Headroom computer program to create a dream woman (LeBrock) that would do whatever they want. LeBrock shows them a good time by taking them out drinking in a bar. (This scene was funny but would cause a firestorm today). And then throws a house party in their parents multi million dollar mansion. (Many of John Hughe’s movies are made in the north shore of Chicago). (Go Cubs). Along the way, the boys have to deal with the popular guys from school (Robert Rusler and Iron Man). (assholes). And Mitchell-Smith’s brother Chit (total asshole) who bullies them. Anthony Michael Hall is terrific in this movie even though I’m sure he’s received some flack for the dated material. Everything in this wraps up in a nice, clean Hollywood ending but it was still a fun ride. And Oingo Boingo is Awesome! 3 Madonnas for Weird Science👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️ . Tonight’s movie will be After Hours. ♥️You

80's Flicks With Billy Disaster BONUS EDITION!
The best quotes from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. The most quotable flick of all time!
"All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, And I'm fine"
"Hey bud, what's your problem?"
"Hey Bud, Let's party!"
"Where'd you get this jacket?"
"Learning about Cuba, having some food'
"If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?
"Aloha Mr. Hand"
"Make up your mind dude, is he gonna shit or is he gonna kill us?"
"My old man is a television repairman, he's got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it."
Mr. Vargas: "Are you in my class?' Spicoli: "I am today."
"Just couldn't make it on time"
"Righteous bucks!"
"People on ludes should not drive."
"Do you want to go to the point tonight?"
"Learn it, know it, live it."
"Mister, if you don't shut up I'm gonna kick 100% of your ass!"
"Doesn't anyone fucking knock anymore?"
"I hope you had a hell of a piss Arnold!"
"I shall serve no fries before their time."
"6 more payments gentleman, and this beautiful blue 4 door luxury sedan is all mine!"
"The attitude dictates that you don't care whether she comes, stays, lays, or prays. I mean whatever happens, your toes are still tappin'. Now when you got that, then you have the attitude."
"Act like wherever you are, that's the place to be. "Isn't this great?"
"When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin 4."
"You are a wuss, part wimp, and part pussy."
"Look at you, member of the honor roll, assistant to the assistant manager of the movie theater."
"No. I don't have any Blue Oyster Cult. I had 34 pairs last time around. Where were you?"
"This is really great Iced tea."
"Can you honestly tell me you forgot? Forgot the magnetism of Robin Zander, or the charisma of Rick Nielsen?"
"Hey Rat, You gotta ace that jacket."
"Aloha, My name is Mr. Hand."
"What are you people, on dope?"
"Get a good one!"
"I DONT KNOW..That's nice."
"What is your fascination with truancy?"
"You want romance? In Ridgemont? We can't even get cable TV here, Stacy, and you want romance?"
"Did you see his cute little butt?"
"Stacy, what are you waiting for? You're 15 years old. I did it when I was 13. It's no huge thing. It's just sex"
"Stacy, he's not a guy. He's a little prick!"
"A quart or so."
"Hi Brad, you know how cute I always thought you were."
"Dont fuck with it."

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #3. Last nights movie was After Hours starring Griffin Dunne. Rosanna Arquette, and the smokin hot Teri Garr. I was super stoked to watch this because it’s a Martin Scorsese flick. And it has Cheech and Chong in it. The 1st 30 minutes are compelling with Dunne meeting Arquette in a diner on a dark New York night. She invites him back to her place where he meets her punk rock artsy roommate Kiki (Linda Florentino). Along the way he loses all the money he had on him and is stuck in Soho all night. He wants to get home uptown but ends up in a variety of mishaps. For the most part I had a difficult time with this movie. Dunne is a creepy snoop. The dialogue is really disjointed and while the premise is cool, the story telling is poorly done. I did love the gritty vibe and there are many great details in this. And I have always had a thing for Teri Garr♥️. But this is a long way from Taxi Driver or Goodfellas. 2 Madonnas for After Hours👰♀️👰♀️. Tonight’s movie will be Poltergeist. ♥️You

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #4. Last nights movie was Poltergeist starring Heather O’ Rourke and Zelda Rubenstein. I must’ve seen this back in the 1900’s but I don’t really remember, so the effect of this movie got me good right from the start. The opening scene is creepy as fuck! And O’Rourke couldn’t have been more perfect as the 5 year old little kid. And while JoBeth Williams doesn’t quite make the cut as my new celebrity girlfriend, she does qualify as a great celebrity fling. She is really pretty and her character as the mom is very likable. This movie is set in Suburbia California USA with a normal family with 3 kids and an asshole neighbor. But then the house becomes haunted and the ghosts kidnap O’Rourke through the TV and shit gets weird! The family can still communicate with their kidnapped daughter through the energy in the air (and from the TV). They hire some people who specialize in haunted houses, notably the super creepy Zelda Rubenstein who ends up being very caring and gets the job done. Had this movie ended about 20 minutes before it did, it would have been way better. The last part where they discover that their house is build on an old graveyard and the corpses rise from underground was silly and unfortunate. That premise had already been set with the greedy property developer. (Who was just like the Mayor in Jaws). It just seemed like they just wanted to show off their special effects skills. But this was still a cool and scary popcorn flick. 3 Madonnas for Poltergeist👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️. Tonight’s movie will be Valley Girl. ♥️You

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #5. Last nights movie was Valley Girl starring Nicolas Cage and Deborah Foreman. This one hit close to home for me. When I first met the smokin hot Mrs. Disaster♥️ a million years ago, she was kind of like the character Julie (Foreman). A preppy girl from the better side of the tracks. She was the only person I knew at the time whose parents were still together. And I was kind of like the character, Randy (Cage). A punk loser from the other side of the tracks. Thank god opposites attract sometimes. One of the great things about this movie is how it nails the emotions of young love. How exciting and desperate it can be. The side characters in this are true assholes. The super white, too rich, izod collar up, feathered haired, conceited, tight pant douche bag guys made me puke in my beer . I loved how counter culture won the girl in the end. It was also interesting what this movie considered “punk”...The punk scenes were far from the hardcore that I’m used to. It was more of a softer and safer Go Go’s, Blondie, Elvis Costello version. More New York punk than California. The music was cool. 3 Madonnas for Valley Girl👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️. Tonight’s movie will be RoboCop. ♥️You

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #6. Last nights movie was RoboCop starring Peter Weller and the dad from That 70’s Show (Kurtwood Smith). You guys, this was the 1st time I’d ever seen RoboCop and HOLY SHIT it was awesome! It was so smart and well done that it almost gave me the same feeling as watching The Dark Knight. The whole 80’s trend of evil corporations was on full display here which, right or wrong, creates great villains if done right. And this one does it really well with Kurtwood Smith as the coke dealer villain. His character is now one of my all-time favorite bad guys. It’s basically about how a city is overwhelmed with crime and the police can’t keep up. So a corporation named OCP develops a police robot (doesn’t go well) and a police Frankenstein (RoboCop)(turns out much better) to battle the coke fueled crime in the city. However, it turns out that the vice president of OCP is also involved in the cocaine business and shit gets brutally out of hand. I appreciated that the acting in this was not cheesy. And the production (particularly the editing) was ahead of its time. I wonder if the sequels are worth watching…5 Madonnas for RoboCop👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️. Tonight‘s movie will be Sixteen Candles. ♥️You

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #7. Last nights movie was Sixteen Candles starring Molly Ringwald and Long Duk Dong. You know how to watch Sixteen Candles? You watch it with a girl who grew up in the 80’s. And that’s what I did. I watched it with my homie Katy. (80’s With Katy!). Having the insight of a girl makes this movie way more relevant and enjoyable. It’s about a middle child girl (Ringwald) whose family forgets it’s her 16th birthday because it’s her older sister’s wedding the next day and everyone is focused on that. We follow Ringwald through the day where she goes to school, confesses her crush on a popular senior boy (who I call Mr. Handsome Man) to her friend, and gets harassed by the awesome Anthony Michael Hall, (who scores her underwear to settle a bet), and goes to the school dance. After the dance, Mr. Handsome Man’s girlfriend throws a giant party at his house (It seems John Hughs loves when parents go away for the weekend so their kids can trash their 10 million dollar north shore homes), where Anthony Michael Hall and Long Duk Dong have a blast. The greatest thing about this movie was Molly Ringwald. She was perfect. As was AMH (Who at the age of 15, can make professional looking martinis). The Grandparents were also hilarious! I was clutching my stomach laughing at the sister getting FUCKED up right before her wedding! Katy told me that the last scene where Ringwald and Mr. Handsome Man fall in love at the end was important to the ladies (from the 80’s!). She also told me she would kick me if I didn’t give this 5 Madonnas👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️. Tonight’s movie will be The Breakfast Club. By the way, we are approaching the 100th movie with Flicks With Billy Disaster! (We’re at 98)...There will be a trivia contest on the website where the winner gets to pick the next genre!

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #8. Last nights movie was The Breakfast Club starring Judd Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall, Emilio Estevez, Ally Sheedy, Richard Vernon and John Kapelos. Night #2 with 80’s With Katy! I may have seen this when I was a little kid but don’t remember it. And after watching Sixteen Candles the night before, I was fucking stunned at how incredible this movie was. From the 1st beat of “Don’t You Forget About Me” to the fist in the air ending, I was flabbergasted! The sequence where we meet each character on their way to Saturday detention was remarkable. The way we start out looking at everyone with a critical eye to wanting to give them all a hug had me tearing up big time. It was a good lesson in empathy/sympathy. Each monologue left me speechless thinking how much rehearsal they all must’ve taken. At first I thought Judd Nelson was cool in a punk rock way, then I hated him because he was such an asshole, and then felt horrible for him as we learned about his home life. Emilio Estevez’s monologue was so heartbreaking that Katy had to smack me to get ahold of myself. Same with the great AMH. And Molly Ringwald’s (Happy Birthday Molly!) character was so much deeper than in Sixteen Candles! Wow. And the comic relief of the montages were super cool. The only thing I didn’t like was how Ally Sheedy ended up preppy in the end. I liked her more as a goth emo chick. If I could give 10 Madonnas to this flick I would, but my hands are tied. 5 enthusiastic Madonnas for John Hughs’ masterpiece The Breakfast Club👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️. Tonight’s movie will be Repo Man. And don’t forget about the trivia contest we’re having on billydisaster.com where the winner gets to pick the next genre! ♥️You

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #9. Last nights movie was Repo Man starring Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton. (80’s with Katy #3!). Well, shit. I’m in a bit of trouble here. Some people whom I respect a lot (including my daughter Elan) love this movie. Professional movie reviewers also love this movie because it’s unique and the director Alex Cox did a lot with a limited indie budget. And please don’t get me wrong, there were things that I dug about this. Mostly the soundtrack. The opening sequence music (instrumental version of the Iggy Pop theme song ) was awesome! And it was great to hear some Black Flag and Suicidal Tendencies in a movie from 1984. And Harry Dean Stanton is always consistent. However, Katy and I did not love this. Maybe we’re not as hip and snobby about “film” as Elan and all of those jaded reviewers, but we just weren’t entertained by this. (BTW, I never use the word “film” in my reviews as I always felt that it was a little pretentious..). Anyway, I’m really sorry to all my Repo Man loving homies but I’m only giving 2 Madonnas to Repo Man👰♀️👰♀️. Please go easy on me. Tonight’s movie, 9 to 5 will be the final 80’s Flick With Billy Disaster (and 80’s With Katy!). Don’t forget to get in on Flicks Trivia With Billy Disaster on billydisaster.com. Where the winner gets to pick the next genre! The contest will be on the site Sunday night. ♥️You

80’s Flicks With Billy Disaster #10. (80’s With Katy #4!). Last nights movie was 9 to 5 starring Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda. This movie was a great social commentary about women getting treated like shit in the corporate work place by their sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot boss. In this case, the boss is Dabney Coleman who is so perfect in this roll it’s scary. This was also The Great Dolly Parton’s 1st movie which is amazing. She’s so awesome! But the real star here is Lily Tomlin. She beautifully plays a top assistant in the office who shows Jane Fonda the ropes in her new secretary job. Dolly plays the executive secretary to the asshole Coleman and everyone in the office wrongfully thinks she’s banging the boss. Coleman treats these women like a bully in every way and the ladies are sick of it. So they do something about it (I won’t spoil it). While this is a great premise with great characters (and it’s pretty funny and fun to watch), the goofball comedy kinda gets in the way of what could have been an even better social commentary. Things just get off of the rails too much and it’s a shame. Oh well. It was still fun. 3 Madonnas for 9 to 5👰♀️👰♀️👰♀️. So that’s it for 80’s Flicks. It’s been a real blast! I hope you play our trivia game tonight on billydisaster.com where the winner gets to pick the next genre! ♥️You